
Where does it begin?

In the mind, with your thoughts about who you are, what you are, and why you are worthy of putting effort, money or time into taking care of your body in a way that helps rather than hurts.

We each have our own DNA, our own set of special circumstances in our bodies that may cause us varying degrees of challenges, however, what you do with these obstacles determines how you can feel.

  • Do you feel like you have zero energy left to focus on your own needs each day?

  • Do you find yourself beating yourself up and using a lot of mental space to wonder why you can’t get your crap together?

  • Do you make decisions regularly to change your behavior only to keep letting yourself down?

  • Do you feel alone in your efforts as if everything is completely up to you?

If you answer yes to any of these, then a 90-day coaching intensive is a great place to find clarity, direction, compassion, and motivation to restore your health.

During these 90 days we will work together to find the best path for your specific needs by:

Healing your Mindset. You will elevate your self-compassion, awareness, and gratitude with specific techniques that are scientifically backed to improve your health.

Moving with purpose. You will make your body a priority and create routines that stick so that your body feels stronger, lighter, and more in tune with your needs through Intuitive Movement.

Accessing your Appetite. What do you REALLY hunger for? How can you fill your happy cup and use food for nourishment rather than a reward or bandaid?

Learning your Lifestyle. Mothers (ideally) model caregiving, nurturing, educating, protecting, and learning as a means for getting our needs met. You will access the path to “mother yourself” well through lifestyle practices that support you body, mind, and spirit.

“Health & wellness coaches partner with clients seeking to enhance their well-being through self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values.

In the course of their work, health & wellness coaches display an unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their capacity for change, honoring the fact that each client is an expert on their own life, while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.”

National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching

What does the 90 day intensive include?

  • 1 hour intro deep dive session where we will launch your journey together.

  • Weekly thirty minute 1:1 coaching sessions for goal setting, check-ins, education, mindset development, and more.

  • Three 15-min exercise videos to support your movement at home.

  • A library of worksheets, guides, and learning tools that has been curated by Nicole to support you at your fingertips.


The cost for the entire program paid in full is $750 (10% off), or a monthly payment of $275.

Limited spaces are available, if interested, schedule a call with Nicole to get started!