Member of the Month

6 lessons to losing 70lbs in 8 months

Regardless of whether you lose a single pound you will live a healthier, happier, and most likely a longer life when you take care of your body.
The good news is IT IS possible to lose weight for the right reasons. 
I have been working with a client through my online health coaching services for the last 9 months. He lost 70 pounds over the first 8 months of working with me. It’s amazing to me that I had never seen his face until he sent these pictures, and yet, in our work together he found the courage, tools, and determination to stick with the process.

Here is what Arnold learned...

  1. I can stay focused and intentional with my choices when I am facing a temptation.
  2. I don't have to go overboard to feel satisfied.
  3. I have tools and awareness of what food choices help me.
  4. I know what types of consistent movement will keep me on pace.
  5. I make prepping food a fun event with music and I stay curious about what I can learn from finding new meals/recipes I like.
  6. I make a plan for what I will eat before I go to the store and I keep healthy foods on hand at all times.

This wasn’t an overnight process. Arnold took time to invest in his health, to do the prep work each week for his food, and he set time aside for exercise. He works out twice per week doing an interval and core class at work and he preps his food for the week every Sunday.
Honestly, what has surprised Arnold the most is how much easier it has been to follow the guidelines we set for him. He was miserable when he was trying to lose weight by starving himself and doing it on his own with little success.
He has more energy now than ever to spend time with his grandbabies, and he is no longer beating himself up about every little mistake he might be making with his health.
Health coaching is truly effective as multiple studies are now confirming. In a recent randomized control trial, patients who achieved their health goal of getting things like their blood sugar levels, blood pressure or LDL cholesterol to health levels was 47.1 percent at 12 months and dropped only slightly to 45.9 percent at 24 months. 
Of course you know what to do. That’s not the point. The point is now you need to start :)

My holiday season gift to you... 
As a reader of this blog I am offering you a free 1-week coaching trial!

How to redeem:
1) Click here to download the Nudge app
2) Use Promo code "cherry" to find me as your coach.

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June's Member of the Month: Jack Unrue

Jack Unrue is a pleasure to be around. Anyone who has worked out beside him will agree he is all smiles and great attitude. He always shows up on time and ready to give his best; earning his title of June Member of the Month!

Jack is originally from upstate NY but moved to Colorado 20 years ago with his awesome wife and fellow Restoration Fitness member, Danielle. The two of them are incredibly active, humble about it, and an enjoyment to train. They live in Lafayette with their cat, Ripley. Jack is a software engineer and avid runner. He has been a RF member since  mid February when it became obvious to him that what he had been doing up until that point wasn't cutting it. He wasn't getting the results he was hoping for and was looking for some accountability and coaching. He also felt that his back pain was consistently getting  in the way. Danielle did a google search for Boulder personal trainers and they found us, and we are so glad!

Restoration Fitness: What positive results have you had since joining our community in February?

Jack: I'm stronger! My body feels different; I've lost weight and 11 1/4 total inches off my body circumference. My attitude towards health is a lot better; I want to come here! I absolutely love and thrive off having a coach and a group of people in classes, the collective energy is awesome.  I aslo think about nutrition much more than before I was a member. And, I've also brought my 3 mile running time down from 29:40 to 25:53.

RF: We are so proud of you, Jack!!!!


RF: What keeps you motivated?

Jack: I'm so able. I'm doing what I need to with my workouts rather than wasting time. I also really enjoy the group atmosphere here. I haven't been in this kind of shape in a long time, being able to sign up for the Bolder Boulder with confidence is pretty awesome. I know I can do it!


RF: What's the biggest challange you've overcome?

Jack: Food and nutrition which I'm still working on. Also, I never worked out when I was younger - I started around 30. So, I find that being in control and in tune with my body can be more difficult. So, I'm loving the feeling of empowerment I'm getting with my workouts lately.


RF: What does health mean to you?

Jack: Health means not procrastinating. Being healthy enough to get things done that HAVE to be done. Feeling well enough to tackle things.

RF: Great insight!


RF: What's your favorite healthy recipe?

Jack: Danielle and I make ground beef, green peppers, onions, lots of ground red pepper, and canned tomatoes. Very yummy!


RF: What's your favorite song to workout to?

Jack: It used to be loud, angry music... Right now it's Massive Attack's song Angel. Check out the video, it's cool!


RF: What's your favorite workout?

Jack: Fitness Fire classes and running.


We are so glad to have Jack as a RF member and appreciate him greatly. His continued hard work and dedication is most definitely only going to help him reach goal after goal. Here's to all our amazing, dedicated members!


May's Member of the Month: Nancy Sievers

Nancy doing an assisted forward lunge 


Nancy Sievers became a Restoration Fitness member two years ago and now works out with us alongside her husband, Bob, three times a week. Nancy was raised in a Chicago suburb but has lived in Boulder since 1975. Her and Bob have been married for 51 years and have a very funny daughter and sweet son-in-law who live here in Boulder, a son in Seattle and four wonderful grandchildren. She and Bob also have a cute 3-year-old bichon frise that is a well-known flirt. Nancy is a retired special education teacher who now fills her time with travel, gardening, reading, and spending time with her family and friends. She is a very sweet person who lights up the room she is in. Meet May’s Member of the Month: Nancy Sievers!


RF: What positive results have you had from working with RF?

Nancy: I’m in good shape for a person my age; I’m 73. RF prepared me for my knee replacement surgery then helped rehabilitate me afterwards. I think my other knee does not need surgery because of all we do here. My balance has also improved greatly and RF does a great job of modifying exercises within my ability each workout.


RF: What keeps you motivated:

Nancy: The variety RF provides for Bob and I. I like coming here and I’m not a person that likes exercising. I don’t do it on my own. You and Nicole do a great job engaging me!


RF: What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

Nancy: My knee replacement surgery. I can now kneel and garden! I’d like to try and play tennis this summer. Bob also loves tennis.

RF: We’re going to hold you to that!


RF: What does health mean to you?

Nancy: Health is terribly important at my age. It means I can travel. It means I can do all I want to do. Health means maintaining good body function.


RF: What’s your favorite healthy food?

Nancy: Spinach omelet with a little sprinkle of cheddar cheese.


RF: What’s your favorite type of workout music?

Nancy: Definitely something peppy!


RF: What is your favorite type of workout?

Nancy: Does eating count?

RF: Hahahaha No!

Nancy: Walking with my dog and my friends. And, I really enjoy some of the ballet type movements we do in here.


Thank you so much Nancy! We greatly appreciate you and are so glad we are helping you to feel good!



April Member of the Month: Rita Zamora

We’re happy to announce April’s Member of the Month: Rita Zamora. Rita is a super, amazing woman who owns a marketing agency for doctors. She does an excellent job (intentionally) balancing her wellness, family and work, even though she may sometimes disagree. She is originally from Southern California but has called Boulder home for the last 24 years along with her husband, Michael, 2 cats- Merlin and Ariel, and their sweet, sweet dog, Sunny. In November 2011, Rita was feeling the need to find something to jumpstart and motivate her in the right fitness direction. She knew the importance of lifting weights and gaining muscle as one aged, this led her to a Google search of “Boulder, CO personal trainers.” Restoration Fitness was one of the results that popped up and Rita really liked what she saw. She has been a member ever since! We recently sat down with Rita and had the opportunity to get to know her even more:
(RF) What positive results have you had since joining RF in November?

(Rita) Hmm… where to start? You guys have helped to change my thinking. When I first signed up, it was my first time ever working with a personal trainer, I thought I would come into the gym and lift weights then go home. Restoration Fitness has offered me so much more. Not only have I met my goal weight, learned how to lift weights and I’m the strongest I’ve ever been but you guys’ offered an added bonus of helping me to alter my thinking to a healthier process through coaching and support. I’ve learned and am still learning not to beat myself up as much. I’ve also found a love and enthusiasm for working out again! Thank you!


(RF) What keeps you motivated?

(Rita) You guys! I also love how RF has taught me to have maximum results with my workouts in a minimum amount of time in a healthy, smart way. You’ve taught me a very efficient way to work out, which is so important with my busy schedule.


(RF) What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

(Rita) Learning how to relax and allowing myself to relax. The restoration part of fitness.


(RF) What does health mean to you?

(Rita) Moderation and balance with regard to food and rest.


(RF) What’s you favorite go-to healthy meal?

(Rita) Two eggs over medium and Brussels sprouts with avocado!

(RF) I’ve never tried Brussels sprouts with eggs, sound delicious! Yummy idea!


(RF) What’s you favorite music to workout to?

(Rita) Pop Top 20 mostly. Pitbull, Rhianna, Foster the People are some examples.


(RF) What’s your favorite workout?

(Rita) Squats are my favorite in the gym. When it’s nice out, I love to hike. It’s so great to be outside and I find it relaxing.

Thanks so much to Rita for taking the time to chat with us. We are so proud of Rita’s commitment to over-all health and wellness. She’s a great example of hard work paying off! We truly have the best clients ever! Thank you so much for being a part of our Restoration Fitness family!

March Member of the Month: Debbie Setlock

For those of you who participate in Fitness Fire classes, you know that Debbie Setlock will most likely be there and that she will for sure be kicking major butt. She always gives 110%, with a cheery disposition, and we love her for it!

Debbie became a Restoration Fitness member in March 2011 after attending Wild Women Adventures, which is a weekend mountain retreat led by Nicole and her friend and colleague, Christine the last couple of years. Debbie was at a point in her life where she was doing a lot of life reflection on her health and had heard a quote, “You can spend money and effort now on your health and wellness or you can spend it later on your illness” and it really resonated with her. She decided joining RF was a commitment she wanted and needed to make.

We sat down with Debbie recently and asked her some questions; she had some great insights to share. Meet Debbie!...

(RF) Tell us a little background info about yourself:

(Debbie) I’ve lived in Boulder since 1970. I manage an assisted living facility in Longmont. My husband, George, and I have a 20-year old son, Tyler who is majoring in nutrition at CSU and has a love for and understanding of health. I am a firm believer in taking responsibility for ones’ health.

(RF) What results have you seen since you joined RF?

(Debbie) Well, I’m stronger. But, asides from that, I really love that I’m doing things for my long-term health. I also learned a lot of helpful nutritional information participating in the RF cleanse last year.

(RF) What keeps you motivated?

(Debbie) My goal of maintaining health for the long term. I want strong bones and don’t want to have to take a bunch of pills everyday as I age, unless I absolutely have to. I love coming to RF, the community of people here is awesome! We all care about each other; I’ve never had that, to this depth, in other exercise communities.

(RF) What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome? (We really appreciated Debbie’s answer to this one and feel many people can relate!)

(Debbie) Taking the time to get here. I have a hard time allowing myself to have balance with work, health, and wellness. I need to constantly remind myself that I’m worthy of taking the time for myself.

(RF) What does health mean to you?

(Debbie) Everything. It means my quality of life now and for the future.

(RF)What’s your favorite food?

(Debbie) Sautéed greens. I recently made sautéed collard greens for a group of people and they were a big hit!

(RF) What’s your favorite song or artist to workout to?

(Debbie) Madonna!! I hope one day to have her buff arms!

(RF) What’s your favorite type of workout?

(Debbie) Hiking.

Thank you Debbie for your wonderful contribution to our members by giving us your honest insight into what health means to you!  You inspire us all!!

February's Member of the Month: Bob McCool

Bob became a member of Restoration Fitness in October of 2011. Since then he has been committed to improving his health and has had some awesome results. We are also very proud and impressed by Bob’s learned perfection of squats! We sat down with him recently and asked him some questions. Meet Bob!


(RF) Tell us a little background info about yourself:

(Bob) Originally, I’m from Columbus, OH and was raised in PA. I’m the youngest of 8.  I’ve been living in Colorado since 1994 with my wife Daryl and our 7-year-old son, Jackson. I work as a partner of a computer services company.


(RF) What results have you seen since joining RF in October?

(Bob) To start, I’ve lost 20 pounds! My energy level is ten times higher than it’s ever been which helps me keep up with Jackson. I’ve noticed continuous improvement of previous injuries. I can also snowboard much better than I ever have been able to in the past. Another positive result is that with the help of RF, I’ve been eating so much healthier.


(RF) What keeps you motivated?

(Bob) The accountability of RF has been great. I love coming here! It’s also been a great stress relief and managing stress is important to me. I want to feel good! And, above all else, having the energy to keep up with Jackson. Being healthy for him is very motivating to me.


(RF) What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

(Bob) Food. I used to stress eat a lot. Having workouts as my new stress relief is great!


(RF) What’s your favorite healthy food?

(Bob) Grilled trout with a spicy rub

(RF) Yum!!


(RF) What’s your favorite song or artist to workout to?

(Bob) The Police


(RF) What’s your favorite type of workout?

(Bob) Fitness Fire classes! They’re a really great, hard workout and they’re fun!