If you didn't know it yet, this year is going to be your fittest ever. Don't believe me? Well, suit yourself. No, seriously, we all survived the end of the world, so what have we got to lose?! Honestly, there's no reason you can't make this your year to focus on getting fit and staying that way. Living a healthy lifestyle, after all, is all about setting an intention and preparing the details of your life with the expectation that you will fulfill your intention. There are more fitness trends and weight loss help sites and tools than ever before- which can make you crazy, but in the end can actually help you stick to your guns when it comes to completing an exercise program and eating more healthful. My top 5 fitness apps and sites right now are:
For a more exhaustive list of growing trends in the fitness tech industry, check out this article.
According to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Americans spent an estimated $30 billion a year in 1992 on all types of diet programs and products, including diet foods and drinks.
Marketdata, a market research firm that has tracked diet products and programs since 1989 releases its findings in its biennial study: "The U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market." which in its 2007 study estimates the size of the U.S. weight loss market at$55 billion. It is now estimated to have reached over $60 Billion. (statistics recovered from the worldometer site for weight loss) Unfortunately, we are also inundated with tasty food, high stress lifestyles, and mixed media messages that keep us from really developing a healthy way of living longterm. It's not shocking to anyone that it is getting harder and harder to weed through the information on health while having the energy and motivation to stick with a fitness and nutrition regimen that is actually getting positive results.
Let me weed through the mountains of information and latest fads and give you the low down on what studies show really works if you are going to start a plan that gets results...and stick to it:
1) Eat breakfast. Pack in the protein for a great way to start the day with leveling your blood sugar. We suggest no less than 20 grams of protein at this meal.
2) Get accountability. Whatever you choose, do it often and don't let up. Get a trainer, join an online forum, hook up with weight watchers, call a friend.
3) Track it. Not only does having a plan help, but tracking your plan is even better. Keep a log of your food and workouts so you can track what works and what doesn't. You'll also be less like,y to have that second or third cookie if you have to write it down!
4) Move. Sounds obvious, but the little things add up. Fidget, take the stairs, carry your groceries to the far parking space, and of course get regular workouts. People who keep weight off walk an average of 11,500 steps a day. Consider getting a pedometer and see what you can do! Without exercise, you may lose some weight, but you likely won't keep it off.
5) Monitor your portions and your plate. Although calorie counting has lost some of its bang, you still need to eat in moderation and get in quality foods that fuel your body for energy, muscle building, and repair. Choose a ton of veggies, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and fruits.
Some of these tips come from the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks about 6,000 people who have, on average, lost 70 pounds and kept it off for seven years, but mostly it is stuff that we tell our clients all the time...and the stuff that we have seen work too.
Restoration Fitness has a vision to help empower others by giving them a strong body and soul. We are starting our 2013 Fitness Revival challenge Mondy, January 7th. Its a 21 day challenge where you will compete with yourself to see how much you improve on 4 fitness measures, completing daily workouts, and tracking your nutrition. All the stuff that will help you succeed! Join us, and you could win a free massage or facial too!!