Why your health needs deadlines

Let’s face it, when given a deadline we get stuff done.
The issue is most of our healthy-living choices are life-long, which creates an unknown deadline.
No Bueno.
Here’s the deal, if we only have a minute to do something, it will take a minute, if we are given an hour to do it, we will fill the hour with details and effort. 
This is a phenomenon called Parkinson’s Law, which I cover in more detail in this 5-Day Health Revolution Video Challenge on Day One. If you find that a lack of time management is zapping your energy, this is the video for you.
In my Strength & Soul group health coaching program we are talking about the radical benefits and secrets to setting deadlines for sticking to your health goals- particularly your workouts.
A deadline is helpful because it

  1. Sets a time frame by which something must be completed.

  2. It is a line or limit that must not be crossed.

When was the last time you set a deadline for a health goal?

Has this ever even occurred to you?

And I don’t mean, "I will lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks."

This means actionable tasks you can control.  I honestly think one of the reasons I enjoy being pregnant that even though I can't really control the exact day I will deliver, it is this journey toward a specific deadline.  

You can prepare yourself for your own "labor" too.

Here are some examples:

  • I will walk 10k steps per day every day for 2 weeks.

  • I will eat 5 servings of vegetables per day for 30 days.

  • I will run a 5k without stopping in three months. 

Here’s the thing that makes it stick:  Commit to these deadlines OUT loud, and preferably show up to do them with a group.  Create Accountabilty. And then don't forget WHY you are even dedicating yourself to this labor/deadline in the first place.
I can’t even begin to count how many times people have done the work to start running simply because they committed and paid to sign up for a race. 
That race has a deadline and people are expecting you to show up.  Boom.
Too many of us simply don’t want to make the commitment.  But remember a little further up the page where I mentioned that life has no deadline?  That’s exactly the reason we need to push to get to the things that really matter to us.
Taking care of your body is a line in the sand. It’s a boundary and belief that must not be crossed by other conflicting interests.  You are worth it.
When we have these deadlines in place we start to say and act on things like:
“No thank you I can’t stay up late tonight, I need to be up early to run.”
“I’ll take a side of steamed veggies rather than the fries”
“Yes, I will go to my workout even though it’s been a long day”
BECAUSE…I am focused on my deadline for this X, Y, Z goal.
And how do you come up with these goals and stay accountable?
The best way I have found is to work with a coach, friend, or community that keeps you on the straight and narrow path.
Are you hungry for more accountability and actual, real progress to get more energy and feel stronger in your body?
If so, I am opening up slots this week to take you through a complimentary breakthrough session.
These coaching calls will help you learn what steps to take first and how to really commit to them in a way that matches your lifestyle and physical needs. 

We will discuss your very first deadlines and find ways you can create follow-up systems to ensure you meet your goals.
Friend, you are a gift to this world and you deserve to feel energized and strong to pursue your passions.  This is especially true if you are a burnt out mom or woman who struggles with an autoimmune condition who is desperate to get her healthy body back.
Don’t miss this chance to schedule with me.