Motivation is the driving force behind everything we do.
It’s your “why”.
Most often our motivation is tied to a fear of failure, a fear of disappointment, a hope of increased joy and satisfaction, or our innate desire to accomplish a purpose-filled life.
In any case, having ample motivation is important if you want to make a change in your life - especially when you aren’t particularly in the mood to push past your comfort zone.
“Passion is not what gives you bliss, but what you’re willing to suffer for, what you genuinely believe to be worth the exercise.”
When you get really clear on what motivates you the “why” overcomes the suffering and makes taking more painful steps a little easier.
But what about when you get stuck and can’t seem to find your will?
The silent killer that destroys our ability to focus on positive growth and change is Envy.
Coveting what someone else has will always leave you feeling like you are not enough, that your life somehow has less meaning, or that everything you do doesn’t measure up- so why bother anyway??
In our world of social media and sexualized images everywhere we turn it’s easy to find plenty of things that induce a state of envy, especially when it comes to how easily so-and-so lost 10 pounds, or how “x” diet is the new miracle, or how someone just finished their 5th marathon.
Of course, these are certainly inspiring and motivating stories, but let’s be honest…sometimes it can really make us feel like we have a long way to go, or get us wondering “what’s wrong with me” or “I wish I could do that!”.
The cure to envy is to celebrate. Celebrate every single tiny step you have made to advance your health forward. Celebrate other people for every single little breakthrough they have. Tell people they inspire you and get curious about what they are doing!
You can’t afford to lose your motivation. The world longs to have you fully alive and sharing your gifts from a state of strength and health.
So write yourself a love letter of encouragement, call a friend to ask her what she is doing to look so buff these days- and then set your gaze on a tiny step you can take forward today that gives you pride.
Of if you really want the accountability to stay out of envy mode so you can make your body your strength rather than your excuse, then check out my new Monthly Online Health Coaching Membership. I will hold your hand, cheer you on, and get you unstuck.
Then leave some comments below about what motivates you!